Annie Leibovitz once said, "a photographer's life is seeing through a lens". She exemplified this idea of a photographer her entire life. It amazes me all the opportunities that she just fell into from touring with the Stones, to working for multiple high fashion magazines at once as neither wanted to lose her. Her photography was absolutely fantastic and the fact that she was able to say what she wanted in a photo shoot and she got everything regardless of cost.
"A good photographer takes pictures like other people live and breathe". I wish I could do this, but Annie Leibovitz clearly did. Her photographs for all areas of her life including pictures of her kids and out the window of her car are all gorgeous in a simple, but beautiful way. Her professional photographs have caused great controversy but are absolutely fantastic in their controversial way. While many have argued that her transition from the real photography from her time at Rolling Stone to her commercial work at Vanity Fair and other fashion magazines has ruined her photography, I don't feel that way. Her commercial photography is still beautiful just much more intricate and staged than her earlier photography. However, I believe that half of a good photograph is the staging for it. You can have a good photograph without a good set up but if you place each model or subject just right, it can be greatly improved becoming beautiful.
Overall, Annie Leibovitz's photography has pushed me to strive for beauty in all aspects of my life. I want to become a true photographer that takes pictures where ever I go no matter what is around me. I want to find and capture something new and beautiful each day.
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