So I considered writing this post entirely in Hebrew since that's what I should be doing after 6 weeks of intensive Hebrew training (120 hours in 6 weeks... crazy) but I'm a little too lazy to put in that much effort for a blog post that people will just plug into Google Translate anyways (to save y'all some time, the title of the post means The End of Ulpan). The last six weeks have been intense, to say the least. Every Sunday through Thursday, from 9-12:30, I have been sitting in the hardest class of my life. The classes here are not numbered or called Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, etc, but by the first few letters of the Aleph Bet (alphabet). So when I say I was in Kita Dalet (כיתה דלת), that means I was in the most advanced ulpan class, which was just ridiculous. We spoke at most 1 or 2 words of English the entire class and we didn't just learn grammar or read stories, we had discussions about gun control, racism, drugs and prostitution, graffiti, basically anything newsworthy you can think of, we probably discussed it. All in Hebrew. I can barely formulate a coherent argument about gun control in English, let alone in Hebrew. But now I can, which is kind of crazy!
It has been a psycho 6 weeks, but now I'm extremely stoked to start real classes in a week. But before that... stay tuned for posts about my upcoming trip to the Golan Heights and my first time experiencing Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year) in Israel with the fam on the Kibbutz.
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