Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Now before you read this post I want you to know that I am and will be perfectly fine, I am safe, and if there ever comes a time when it is thought that I am not safe, I, and the other international students here in Beer Sheva, will be moved to a place where we are safe. That being said...

Just a little bit ago the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) led an air strike in Gaza that hit 20 underground missile sites as well as killing Hamas head of operations Ahmed Jabari (See for more info). It goes without saying that Hamas is gonna be pretty pissed. The last few days have been a little intense on the border between Israel and Gaza with Hamas firing lots and lots of rockets into the Eshkol region (the border area) almost nonstop. People in the region have been essentially living in their bomb shelters and every once in a while, the threat has come to Beer Sheva and we've had our own sirens go off. Of course as each day passes, the situation has escalated with the IDF insisting that they will not let these rocket attacks go unanswered, leading them to this air strike that was supposedly planned to target Jabari himself.

After the attack on Jabari, lots of people are thinking that a war of sorts will be starting between Hamas and the IDF (aka Gaza and Israel). Islamic Jihad has said that this is an act of war against Hamas. The IDF has started to call up the reserves in case things escalate even further. Classes are cancelled until further notice here in Beer Sheva and in the surrounding area, and the dorms are empty just like a Saturday, everyone's going home or getting out of the South. That is, everyone but the majority of the International students. We're waiting out the fight. For me, I refuse to let fear and this whole conflict disrupt my daily life. Of course some of that is out of my control as I can't go to class and other life has somewhat been put on hold, but I truly believe I'm starting to understand those who live in Sderot or even those who live near the Green Line in the West Bank. I've had many friends and family all letting me know that if I want to get out of Beer Sheva they'll take me in and help me out but honestly, I don't want to leave. Yeah, maybe it's safer to be in the north or Tel Aviv or not Beer Sheva but I don't want to go. I'm safe enough here and if it does get bad enough that the OSP feels I need to be evacuated then I'll evacuate. But until then I'm staying right here.

*****The writing of this blog was interrupted by not one, not two, but three rocket sirens in the span of about 20 minutes. I am now writing to all you in blog land from my friend Abby's room since her room is closest to the shelter. Don't worry, we're still all ok just some nerves and a few tears (not from me, from my friends). It's going to be a long night but we'll get through it. We're contemplating bringing mattresses and sleeping bags down to the shelter and just sleeping there. It'll be quite the kiki.

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