Sunday, August 5, 2012

Welcome to Israel! Here's the nearest bomb shelter.

So even though I've been in Israel for almost a week now, I arrived at "Meonot Gimel" (The Gimel Dorms) at Ben Gurion University of the Negev last Thursday and almost the first thing they said to us on the tour of the dorms was an explanation of the signs directing you to the nearest bomb shelter. There are many shelters all around the building, so if any of you are worried about me, don't be if there should be a bomb threat, I'll be totally safe. The dorms here are pretty decent, definitely tiny compared to my cushy RA room in Nelson, but I could definitely survive here for 5 months. I currently have one Israeli suite mate (that I know of) who is a materials engineer and leaving for home soon because final exams are almost over. I hardly see her, however, so it's possible that she's already gone and I just didn't know it!

Also on Thursday I met the other people in the OSP (OverSeas Program) and they seem to be awesome. We already get along super well, and getting to know them over this pass weekend has been fantastic (separate blog post about our orientation trip to Eilat/Kibbutz Lotan to come). I think I'm going to be really good friends with these people and we're going to have a great Ulpan/Semester together. Just a quick explanation of what my semester will be like:

For the first 6 weeks (starting today) I'll be in Ulpan, intensive Hebrew lessons. Today we were split up into our classes based on level and I was put in Level Dalet, or the highest, advanced level. I'm a little nervous, but I think once I start speaking Hebrew again every day I'll feel more comfortable. We aren't starting real classes until Tuesday, but I'm super excited. During these few weeks, we'll have pub nights  and movie nights to get to know both the city and each other, as well as weekend trips to Jerusalem and the Dead Sea to begin to get to know the country as a whole. It should be a pretty great 6 weeks.

After the 6 weeks are over, my semester will start. I'm still finalizing my class schedule for sure, but I'll be taking classes on Israeli history, culture, and politics from all different perspectives. It will be a great semester, I can't wait to start!

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