Sunday, January 16, 2011


So tonight I saw Next To Normal with the best friend. The musical was absolutely amazing, especially because it was one that made you think. Without giving too much of the plot away (in case anyone out there wants to see it one day), in the Goodman Family, the mother (Diana) clearly has some kind of psychological disorder, and the musical examines how her disease effects the whole Goodman family. While Next To Normal definitely wasn't easy to watch (most def had tears in my eyes at the end of Act 1 and when it was over), it really makes you think about how the things around you can effect you and even questions what happiness truly is. One great quote from the show outlines this perfectly:

"Most people who think they’re happy just haven’t thought about it enough. Most people who think they’re happy are actually just stupid."

This really makes you think, because at the times you feel most happy, is it really a feeling of joy or is it that you feel like you SHOULD feel happy and therefore, convince yourself that you are, in fact, happy. To take it even further, how do you even quantify happiness and distinguish that feeling from simply being content with where you are in life? We can say we're happy but what does it mean to be happy? That's all for now, other than this little plug: GO SEE NEXT TO NORMAL!

 P.S. 'Valium is my favorite color'

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